Nicolás C Ciarlo Horacio Manuel De Rosa Dolores Elkin Hernán G Svoboda Cristina Vázquez Damian Vainstub Lorena Diaz Perdiguero


The results of morphological and microstructural examination of an anchor found near the site of the shipwreck (1770) of the British sloop-of-war HMS Swift during the enlargement of Puerto Deseado pier are presented. The following analyses were performed: Microstructural characterization, determination of chemical composition, and microhardness testing. Some aspects of the manufacturing process and the material used were determined. The characteristics of the anchor are consistent with those of 18th-century English anchors. According to these results, the anchor’s possible link with the wreck of the Swift is examined.


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How to Cite
Examination of an 18th-century English anchor from Puerto Deseado (Santa Cruz province, Argentina). (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 45(1), 17-25.

How to Cite

Examination of an 18th-century English anchor from Puerto Deseado (Santa Cruz province, Argentina). (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 45(1), 17-25.