English steelmaking in the seventeenth century: the excavation of two cementation furnaces at Coalbrookdale
This paper describes the excavation of the first cementation steel furnaces in England, built by Sir Basil Brooke at Coalbrookdale early in the 17th century. The coal-fi red furnaces were in operation from c1619 to the end of the 17th century, and formed part of a much larger ironworking complex. Excavation revealed the remains of two furnaces and associated buildings, constructed in at least two phases. This paper also includes the metallurgical analysis of refractory materials, as well as discussion about the rôle of the furnaces in the broader context of English steelmaking of the period.
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Belford P 2007, ‘Sublime Cascades: Water and Power in Coalbrookdale’, Industrial Archaeology Review 29(2), 133–148.
Belford P and Ross R A 2004, ‘Industry and Domesticity: Exploring Historical Archaeology in the Ironbridge Gorge’, Post-Medieval Archaeology 38(2), 215–225.
Belford P and Ross R A in preparation, Excavations at the Upper Forge, Coalbrookdale, 2001–2005.
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McDonnell G 1997, ‘The slags and residues’, in D Cranstone, Derwentcote Steel Furnace: an industrial monument in County Durham (Lancaster), 93–100.
Mott, R A 1960, ‘The Coalbrookdale Group Horsehay Works, Part II’, Transactions of the Newcomen Society 32, 43–57.
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Turner W E S 1956, ‘Studies in ancient glasses and glassmaking processes. Part V. Raw materials and melting processes’, Journal of the Society of Glass Technology, 40, 277–300.
Wanklyn M D G 1973, ‘Iron and Steel Works in Coalbrookdale in 1645’, Shropshire News Letter 44, 3–6.
Barraclough K C 1977, ‘Wortley Top Forge, the possibility of early steel production’, Historical Metallurgy 11(2), 88–92.
Barraclough K C 1984, Steelmaking before Bessemer: Vol 1 Blister Steel (London).
Baugh G C (ed) 1985, Victoria County History: Shropshire—Vol XI, Telford (Oxford).
Belford P 1996, An Archaeological Evaluation at the former Marshall’s steelworks site, ‘Riverside Exchange’, Sheffield, unpublished ARCUS report 240b (Sheffield).
Belford P 1997, ‘Converters and Refiners’: the archaeology of Sheffield cementation and crucible steelmaking 1700–1850, unpublished MA dissertation (University of Sheffield).
Belford P 2003, ‘Forging Ahead in Coalbrookdale: Historical Archaeology at the Upper Forge’, Industrial Archaeology Review 25(1), 59–63.
Belford P 2007, ‘Sublime Cascades: Water and Power in Coalbrookdale’, Industrial Archaeology Review 29(2), 133–148.
Belford P and Ross R A 2004, ‘Industry and Domesticity: Exploring Historical Archaeology in the Ironbridge Gorge’, Post-Medieval Archaeology 38(2), 215–225.
Belford P and Ross R A in preparation, Excavations at the Upper Forge, Coalbrookdale, 2001–2005.
Bjorkenstam N, Calissendorff K, Fritz M, Jansson S O and Pipping G 1982, Iron and Steel on the European Market in the 17th Century (Stockholm).
Bottinga Y and Weill D F 1972, ‘The viscosity of magmatic silicate liquids: a model for calculation’, American Journal of Science 272, 438–475.
Brownlie D and de Laveleye 1930, ‘The History of the Cementation Process of steel manufacture’, Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute 71(1), 455–473.
Clark C and Alfrey J 1986, Nuffi eld Survey, Interim Report No.1 Coalbrookdale, unpublished report for the Ironbridge Institute and Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust.
Cranstone D 1997, Derwentcote Steel Furnace: an industrial monument in County Durham (Lancaster).
Crossley D W 1987, ‘Sir William Clavell’s glasshouse at Kimmeridge, Dorset: the excavations of 1980–81’, Archaeological Journal 144, 340–382.
Deer W A, Howie R A and Zussman J 1966, An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals (Harlow).
Dungworth D B 2003, Scientifi c examination of glass and glassworking materials from Silkstone,Yorkshire, English Heritage Centre for Archaeology Report 90/2003 (London).
Eramo G 2005, ‘The melting furnace of the Derrisre Sairoche glassworks (Court, Swiss Jura): heat-induced mineralogical transformations and their technological signifi cance’, Archaeometry 47, 571–592.
Evans C and Ryden G 2007, Baltic Iron in the Atlantic World in the Eighteenth Century (Leiden).
Gloucester Port Records (GPR). Cox N C, Hussey D P and Milne G J (eds) 1998, The Gloucester Port Books Database, 1575–1765, CD-ROM (University of Wolverhampton).
Hadfield R A 1894, ‘The Early History of Crucible Steel’, Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, 46, 224–238.
Hammersley G F 1972, History of the Iron Industry in the Forest of Dean Region, 1562–1660, unpublished PhD thesis (London University)
Hoglund K L 1951 ‘Cementation steelmaking in the No.5 furnace at Osterbybruk’, Fagersta Forum 3, 11–15, part trans in Barraclough 1984.
Jars G 1774, Voyages Metallurgiques, trans in Barraclough 1984.
Jenkins R 1923, ‘Notes on the early history of steelmaking in England’, Transactions of the Newcomen Society 3, 16–27.
King P W 2002, ‘Sir Clement Clerke and the Adoption of Coal in Metallurgy’, Transactions of the Newcomen Society 73(1), 33–52.
le Play F 1843, ‘Memoire sur la Fabrication de l’Acier en Yorkshire’, Annales des Mines 4th Series III, trans in Barraclough K C 1973 Bulletin of the Historical Metallurgy Group 7(1), 7–22.
Levin E M, McMurdie H F and Hall F P 1956, Phase Diagrams for Ceramists (Chicago).
Mackenzie R J and Whiteman J A 2006, ‘Why pay more? An archaeometallurgical investigation of 19th-century Swedish wrought iron and Sheffi eld blister steel’, Historical Metallurgy 40(2), 138–149.
McDonnell G 1997, ‘The slags and residues’, in D Cranstone, Derwentcote Steel Furnace: an industrial monument in County Durham (Lancaster), 93–100.
Mott, R A 1960, ‘The Coalbrookdale Group Horsehay Works, Part II’, Transactions of the Newcomen Society 32, 43–57.
O’Brien C, Farrelly J and Paynter S 2005, The 17th-century glasshouse at Shinrone, Co. Offaly, Ireland. English Heritage Centre for Archaeology Report 50/2005 (London).
Percy J 1864, Metallurgy: Iron and Steel (London).
Raistrick A (ed) 1968, The Hatchett Diary (Newton Abbott).
Randall J 1880, A History of Madeley, including Ironbridge, Coalbrookdale and Coalport etc, 1975 reprint (Shrewsbury).
Schubert H R 1957, The History of the British Iron and Steel Industry (London)
Smith C S 1964, ‘The Discovery of Carbon in Steel’, Technology and Culture, 5(2), 149–175.
Turner W E S 1956, ‘Studies in ancient glasses and glassmaking processes. Part V. Raw materials and melting processes’, Journal of the Society of Glass Technology, 40, 277–300.
Wanklyn M D G 1973, ‘Iron and Steel Works in Coalbrookdale in 1645’, Shropshire News Letter 44, 3–6.
How to Cite
English steelmaking in the seventeenth century: the excavation of two cementation furnaces at Coalbrookdale. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 41(2), 105-123. https://hmsjournal.org/index.php/home/article/view/214
How to Cite
English steelmaking in the seventeenth century: the excavation of two cementation furnaces at Coalbrookdale. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 41(2), 105-123. https://hmsjournal.org/index.php/home/article/view/214