Peter Kresten


A roughly rectangular block of local mudstone with polished ends has been identifi ed as a tool used in gold working, though the exact process(es) carried out cannot be known with any certainty. No direct parallels for it are known.


Ellis S E 1969, ‘The petrography and provenance of Anglo-Saxon and medieval English honestones, with notes on some other hones’, Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Mineralogy 2(3), 135–187.
Graham-Campbell J 1980, The Viking World (London).
Kresten P, Hjärthner-Holdar E and Harryson H 2001, ’Metallurgin i Uppåkra: Icke-järnmetaller under tusen år’, Analysrapport 10-2001, Riksantikvarieämbetet, UV GAL.
Mitchell J G, Askvik H and Resi H G 1984, ‘Potassium-argon ages of schist hones from the Viking Age site at Kaupang (Norway), Aggersborg (Denmark), Hedeby (West Germany) and Wolin (Poland), and their archaeological implications’, Journal of Archaeological Science 11, 171–176.
Moore D T 1978, ‘The petrography and archaeology of English honestones’, Journal of Archaeological Science 5, 61–73.
How to Cite
A ‘gold pestle’ from Helgö, Sweden. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 39(1), 12-13.

How to Cite

A ‘gold pestle’ from Helgö, Sweden. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 39(1), 12-13.