‘Westphalian’ fining: a tool mis-identified
At present there is no known example of the iron staff used as a tool in a unique process for the fi ning of iron intended for drawing into wire, although a staff used in a different process (puddling) was published as such a tool. It is suggested that this absence of examples results from the lack of recognizable features and the recycling of wrought iron by forging.
Eversmann F A A 1804, Die Eisen-und Stahlerzeugung auf Wasserwerken zwischen Lahn und Lippe (Dortmund).
Goodway M and Odell J S 1987, The Metallurgy of 17th- and 18th- Century Music Wire (Stuyvesant, New York).
Heckscher E E 1954, An Economic History of Sweden (Cambridge).
Paar H W and Tucker D G 1975, ‘The old wireworks and ironworks of the Angidy Valley at Tintern, Gwent’, Historical Metallurgy 9(1), 1–14.
Paar H W and Tucker D G 1977, ‘The technology of wire making at Tintern, Gwent, 1566–c1880’, Historical Metallurgy 11(1), 15–24.
Ray J 1675, ‘The manner of wire-work at Tintern in Monmouthshire’, in A Collection of English Words Not Generally Used, 132. Reprinted in F Hubbard 1965, Three Centuries of Harpsichord Making (Cambridge, Mass), 282–83.
Rinmann S 1782, Fösöck till Järnets Historia: med tillämpning for slögder och handtwerk (Stockholm).
Schubert H 1957, History of the British Iron and Steel Industry from c 450 BC to AD 1775 (London).
Smith C S and Gnudi M T (trans) 1959, Vannoccio Biringuccio’s De La Pirotechnia (New York).
Tholander E 1975, ‘Comments on medieval Swedish Osmond iron’, Historical Metallurgy 9(2), 68–70.
von Stromer W F 1977, ‘Innovation und Wachstum im Spätmittelalter: Die Erfi ndung der Drahtmühle als Stimulator’, Technikgeschichte 44, 89–120.
Goodway M and Odell J S 1987, The Metallurgy of 17th- and 18th- Century Music Wire (Stuyvesant, New York).
Heckscher E E 1954, An Economic History of Sweden (Cambridge).
Paar H W and Tucker D G 1975, ‘The old wireworks and ironworks of the Angidy Valley at Tintern, Gwent’, Historical Metallurgy 9(1), 1–14.
Paar H W and Tucker D G 1977, ‘The technology of wire making at Tintern, Gwent, 1566–c1880’, Historical Metallurgy 11(1), 15–24.
Ray J 1675, ‘The manner of wire-work at Tintern in Monmouthshire’, in A Collection of English Words Not Generally Used, 132. Reprinted in F Hubbard 1965, Three Centuries of Harpsichord Making (Cambridge, Mass), 282–83.
Rinmann S 1782, Fösöck till Järnets Historia: med tillämpning for slögder och handtwerk (Stockholm).
Schubert H 1957, History of the British Iron and Steel Industry from c 450 BC to AD 1775 (London).
Smith C S and Gnudi M T (trans) 1959, Vannoccio Biringuccio’s De La Pirotechnia (New York).
Tholander E 1975, ‘Comments on medieval Swedish Osmond iron’, Historical Metallurgy 9(2), 68–70.
von Stromer W F 1977, ‘Innovation und Wachstum im Spätmittelalter: Die Erfi ndung der Drahtmühle als Stimulator’, Technikgeschichte 44, 89–120.
How to Cite
‘Westphalian’ fining: a tool mis-identified. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 39(1), 29-31. https://hmsjournal.org/index.php/home/article/view/242
How to Cite
‘Westphalian’ fining: a tool mis-identified. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 39(1), 29-31. https://hmsjournal.org/index.php/home/article/view/242