Cast iron coins of Song dynasty China: a metallurgical study
A selection of 37 Song dynasty Chinese cast iron coins was subjected to metallurgical analysis. From inscriptions, these are dated between 1078 and 1215 AD, and the mint locations of 23 of the coins are known. All were found to be white cast irons, but they separated into two types, one with relatively high levels of silicon, phosphorus and sulphur and divorced eutectic microstructures, and the other with low levels of these three elements and ledeburitic microstructures. Those coins that were minted in Shaanxi were all found to be of the first type, while those minted in the Hubei/Anhui region to the southeast are all of the second type. On the basis of sulphur content it is believed to be likely that iron used for the first group was smelted in coal- or coke-fired blast furnaces, while the iron in the second group was smelted using charcoal. This is in general agreement with what is known of the iron industry in China during the Song period.
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