The development of trompes in pyrometallurgical plants in the Papal State
Hydro-aeolian trompes, instead of water-wheel driven bellows, were widely used in Italian metallurgical plants up to the 19th century. They provided a blast of wet air suitable to feed the tuyères of pyro-metallurgical plants. The air was drawn by Venturi effect into a falling stream of water, separated in a barrel after a fall of 5–10m and carried in a pipe at a pressure of less than 1m of water (10kPa). Two examples are given of the application of the trompe, to an iron blast-furnace and to a lead cupellation furnace in the Papal State at the end of the 18th century.
Averlino A (called Filarete) (1972 edition from Codex Magliabechianus ed Il Polifilo), Trattato di architettura (Milan).
Biringuccio V 1540, De la Pirotechnia (Venice).
Boni B 1958, ‘Sull’origine italiana delle trombe idroeoliche’ Fonderia italiana 5, 161–168.
Branca G 1629, Le machine (Rome), 18.
Cavallini M 1997, ‘L’itinerario siderurgico della Valnerina (XVII–XVIII sec.)’, Metallurgia Italiana 9, 45–51.
Cavallini M 1999, L’impresa di Monte Leone (Perugia).
Cuomo di Caprio N and Simoni C 1991, Dal basso fuoco all’altoforno SIBRIUM vol XX (Brescia).
Day J and Tylecote R F 1991, The Industrial Revolution in Metals (London), 244 and 229.
Della Porta G B 1589, Magiae naturalis libri XX (Naples), 291.
Kircher A 1650, Musurgia universalis, sive ars magna consoni et dissoni (Rome).
Ince L 1989, ‘Water power and cylinder blowing in early South Wales coke ironworks’, Historical Metallurgy 23, 108–112.
Molera P 1989, ‘The Farga Catalana’ in M L Wayman (ed), All That Glitters (Altona), 41–44.
Percy J 1864, Metallurgy: Iron and Steel (London), 279, 290 and 292.
Zoppetti V 1883, Arte siderurgica (Milano).
Rome State Archives [a]; Congregazione del buon governo, serie II; 2604.
Rome State Archives [b]; Camerale III, Comuni; 2376.
Biringuccio V 1540, De la Pirotechnia (Venice).
Boni B 1958, ‘Sull’origine italiana delle trombe idroeoliche’ Fonderia italiana 5, 161–168.
Branca G 1629, Le machine (Rome), 18.
Cavallini M 1997, ‘L’itinerario siderurgico della Valnerina (XVII–XVIII sec.)’, Metallurgia Italiana 9, 45–51.
Cavallini M 1999, L’impresa di Monte Leone (Perugia).
Cuomo di Caprio N and Simoni C 1991, Dal basso fuoco all’altoforno SIBRIUM vol XX (Brescia).
Day J and Tylecote R F 1991, The Industrial Revolution in Metals (London), 244 and 229.
Della Porta G B 1589, Magiae naturalis libri XX (Naples), 291.
Kircher A 1650, Musurgia universalis, sive ars magna consoni et dissoni (Rome).
Ince L 1989, ‘Water power and cylinder blowing in early South Wales coke ironworks’, Historical Metallurgy 23, 108–112.
Molera P 1989, ‘The Farga Catalana’ in M L Wayman (ed), All That Glitters (Altona), 41–44.
Percy J 1864, Metallurgy: Iron and Steel (London), 279, 290 and 292.
Zoppetti V 1883, Arte siderurgica (Milano).
Rome State Archives [a]; Congregazione del buon governo, serie II; 2604.
Rome State Archives [b]; Camerale III, Comuni; 2376.
How to Cite
The development of trompes in pyrometallurgical plants in the Papal State. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 37(1), 38-42.
How to Cite
The development of trompes in pyrometallurgical plants in the Papal State. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 37(1), 38-42.