N Dieudonné-Glad Jacques Parisot E Dupont F Ronchail, W Gauttier D Wissler


This paper studies five iron bars, discovered among other objects in the river Saône. They seem to belong to a new type of Gaulish iron bar that could be called the ‘La Saône’ type. Metallographic examination shows that these bars, as stock iron, are rather ill-refined, semi-finished products. They are made from a single bloom of soft phosphorus-free steel. The smithing sometimes induced decarburization but, due to special conditions, local surface recarburization has occasionally occurred.


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How to Cite
Metallography of five flat iron bars with socket from the river Saône (France). (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 35(2), 67-73. https://hmsjournal.org/index.php/home/article/view/275

How to Cite

Metallography of five flat iron bars with socket from the river Saône (France). (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 35(2), 67-73. https://hmsjournal.org/index.php/home/article/view/275