Mattias Karlsson Dinnetz


This work evaluates Andalusı Arabic (Hispano-Arabic) and Romance (early Castilian) literary evidence for the previously unknown use, working and production of crucible steel in medieval Spain between the 10th and the 13th centuries AD. No evidence has to date been presented indicating that the inhabitants of medieval Spain were producing or working, or even that they were familiar with, steels of crucible origin. In presenting the first evidence for this, the present paper significantly contributes to furthering our knowledge concerning early Islamic ferrous technology.


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How to Cite
Literary Evidence for Crucible Steel in Medieval Spain. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 35(2), 74-80.

How to Cite

Literary Evidence for Crucible Steel in Medieval Spain. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 35(2), 74-80.