David Wyatt Crossley 1938-2017 A celebration of his life and work
A celebration of the life and work of David Wyatt Crossley (1938-2017) in the words of many who knew him.
Andrews P, Mackenzie R and Quinn P S 2016, Crucible steel production at Derwentcote Forge, County Durham’, Historical Metallurgy 50(1), 53-66.
Atkinson F 1971, Industrial archaeology: Top ten sites in north-east England (Newcastle-upon-Tyne).
Cranstone, D 1997, Derwentcote steel furnace (Lancaster).
Linsley S M 1978, ‘Recent Developments in British Industrial Archaeology’ Transactionsof the third international conference on the conservation of industrial monuments, 1978 (Stockholm), 21, 28.
Saunders A D 1983, ‘A century of Ancient Monuments legislation, 1882-1982’, Antiquaries Journal 63, 11-33.
Stocker D A 1995, ‘Industrial archaeology and the Monuments Protection Programme’, in M Palmer and P Neaverson (eds), Managing the Industrial Heritage (Leicester), 105-13.
Stocker D A 2000, ‘Protecting industrial sites – an interim report on the MPP’, Industrial Archaeology News 115, 2-4.
White P R 1978, ‘The importance of excavation techniques in industrial archaeology’, in Transactions of the second international conference on the conservation of industrial monuments, 1976 (Bochum), 197-202.
Atkinson F 1971, Industrial archaeology: Top ten sites in north-east England (Newcastle-upon-Tyne).
Cranstone, D 1997, Derwentcote steel furnace (Lancaster).
Linsley S M 1978, ‘Recent Developments in British Industrial Archaeology’ Transactionsof the third international conference on the conservation of industrial monuments, 1978 (Stockholm), 21, 28.
Saunders A D 1983, ‘A century of Ancient Monuments legislation, 1882-1982’, Antiquaries Journal 63, 11-33.
Stocker D A 1995, ‘Industrial archaeology and the Monuments Protection Programme’, in M Palmer and P Neaverson (eds), Managing the Industrial Heritage (Leicester), 105-13.
Stocker D A 2000, ‘Protecting industrial sites – an interim report on the MPP’, Industrial Archaeology News 115, 2-4.
White P R 1978, ‘The importance of excavation techniques in industrial archaeology’, in Transactions of the second international conference on the conservation of industrial monuments, 1976 (Bochum), 197-202.
How to Cite
David Wyatt Crossley 1938-2017 A celebration of his life and work. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 52(1), 1-21. https://hmsjournal.org/index.php/home/article/view/30
How to Cite
David Wyatt Crossley 1938-2017 A celebration of his life and work. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 52(1), 1-21. https://hmsjournal.org/index.php/home/article/view/30