Ethnoarchaeology in Action by Nicholas David and Carol Kramer
Book reviews represent the opinion of the reviewer. Any correspondence relating to the content of book reviews should be addressed direct to the reviewers.
Bellamy CB 1904, 'A West African smelting house', Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute 64-5, 99-126.
Cline W 1937, Mining and metallurgy in Negro Africa (Menasha, W I)
David N 1992, 'The archaeology of ideology: mortuary practices in the central Mandam highlands, northern Cameroon', in J A Stemer and N David (eds), An African commitment: papers in honour of Peter Lewis Shinnie (Calgary), 181-210.
David N, Heimann R, Killick DJ and Wayman M 1989, 'Between bloomery and blast furnace: Mafa iron-smelting technology in North Cameroon', African Archaeological Review 7, 183-208.
David N and Robertson I G 1996, 'Competition and change in two traditional African iron industries', in P R Schmidt (ed), The culture and technology of African iron production (Gainsville), 128-44.
Gardi R 1954, Der schwarze Hephästus (Bern).
Home L 1993, 'The brasscasters of Dariapur, West Bengal', Expedition 29(3), 39-46.
Killick DJ 1991, 'The relevance of recent African iron-smelting practice to reconstructions of prehistoric smelting technology', in P D Glumac (ed), Recent trends in archaeometallurgical research (Philadelphia), 47-54.
Kramer C 1982, 'Ethnographic households and archaeological interpretation', American Behavioural Scientist 25, 663- 75.
Kramer C 1997, Pottery in Rajasthan: ethno-archaeology in two Indian cities (Washington, DC).
Mofiino Y 1983, 'Accoucher du fer: la metallurgie gbaya (Centrafrique)', inN Echard (ed), Metallurgies africaines: nouvelles contributions (Paris), 281-309.
Schmidt PR 1997, Iron technology in East Africa: symbolism, science and archaeology (Bloomington).
Todd J A 1979, 'Studies of the African Iron Age', Journal of Metals 31 (November), 39-46.
van der Merwe N J and Avery D H 1987, 'Science and magic in African technology: traditional iron smelting in Malawi', Africa 57, 143-72.
Cline W 1937, Mining and metallurgy in Negro Africa (Menasha, W I)
David N 1992, 'The archaeology of ideology: mortuary practices in the central Mandam highlands, northern Cameroon', in J A Stemer and N David (eds), An African commitment: papers in honour of Peter Lewis Shinnie (Calgary), 181-210.
David N, Heimann R, Killick DJ and Wayman M 1989, 'Between bloomery and blast furnace: Mafa iron-smelting technology in North Cameroon', African Archaeological Review 7, 183-208.
David N and Robertson I G 1996, 'Competition and change in two traditional African iron industries', in P R Schmidt (ed), The culture and technology of African iron production (Gainsville), 128-44.
Gardi R 1954, Der schwarze Hephästus (Bern).
Home L 1993, 'The brasscasters of Dariapur, West Bengal', Expedition 29(3), 39-46.
Killick DJ 1991, 'The relevance of recent African iron-smelting practice to reconstructions of prehistoric smelting technology', in P D Glumac (ed), Recent trends in archaeometallurgical research (Philadelphia), 47-54.
Kramer C 1982, 'Ethnographic households and archaeological interpretation', American Behavioural Scientist 25, 663- 75.
Kramer C 1997, Pottery in Rajasthan: ethno-archaeology in two Indian cities (Washington, DC).
Mofiino Y 1983, 'Accoucher du fer: la metallurgie gbaya (Centrafrique)', inN Echard (ed), Metallurgies africaines: nouvelles contributions (Paris), 281-309.
Schmidt PR 1997, Iron technology in East Africa: symbolism, science and archaeology (Bloomington).
Todd J A 1979, 'Studies of the African Iron Age', Journal of Metals 31 (November), 39-46.
van der Merwe N J and Avery D H 1987, 'Science and magic in African technology: traditional iron smelting in Malawi', Africa 57, 143-72.
How to Cite
Ethnoarchaeology in Action by Nicholas David and Carol Kramer. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 37(1), 53-54.
Book Reviews
How to Cite
Ethnoarchaeology in Action by Nicholas David and Carol Kramer. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 37(1), 53-54.