Paul Craddock


All reviews reflect the opinions of the reviewers. Any correspondence relating to the content of book reviews should be addressed direct to the reviewers.


Craddock PT, Freestone I C , Gale N R, Meeks N D , Rothenberg B and Tite MS 1985, 'The investigation of a small heap of silver smelting debris from Rio Tin to, Huelva, Spain', in PT Craddock and M J Hughes (eds), Furnaces and Smelting Technology in Antiquity (London: BM Occ Pap 48) , 199-217.
Craddock PT and Meeks N D 1987, 'Iron in ancient copper', Archaeometry 29(2), 187-204.
Delibes de Castro G and Montero Ruiz I (eds) 1999 , Las Primeras Etapas Metalurgicas en la Penisula lberica 2. Estudios Regionales (Madrid) .
Harrison R J and Craddock PT 1981 , ' A study of the Bronze Age metalwork from the Iberian Peninsula in the British Museum' , Ampurias 43, 113-79.
Hook D R, Arribas Palau A, Craddock PT, Molina A and Rothenberg B 1987, 'Copper and silver in Bronze Age Spain', in W H Waldron and RC Kennard (eds), Bell Beakers of the Western Mediterranean (Oxford) , 147-72.
Kass ianidou L 2003, 'Early Extraction of Silver from Complex Polymetallic Deposits ' , in PT Craddock and J Lang ( eds ), Mining and metal Production Through the Age s (London), 198-206.
Junghans S, Sangmeister E and Schri:ider M 1968 , Kupfer und Bronze in der friihen Metalzeit. Studien zu den Anfiingen der Metallurgie 2.3 (Berlin).
Montero Ruiz I 1994, El Origen de la Metallurgia en el Sureste Peninsular (Almeria).
Rothenberg B and Blanco-Freijeiro A 1980, ' Ancient copper mining and smelting at Chinflon (Huelva , SW Spain)', in PT Craddock ( ed), Scientific Studies in Early Mining and Extractive Metallurgy (London: BM Occ Pap 20), 41-62.
Rothenberg B and Blanco-Freijeiro A 1981, Ancient Mining and Metallurgy in South-West Spain (London).
Rovira Llorens S, Montero Ruiz I and Consuegra Rodrfguez S 1997, Las Primeras Etapas Metalurgicas en la Penisula lberica 1. Analisis de Materiales (Madrid).
Rovira Llorens Sand G6mez Ramos P 2003, Las Primeras Etapas Metalurgicas en la Peninsula lberica 3 . Estudios Metalogrdficos (Madrid).
Sanna U, Valera Rand Lo Schiavo F (eds) 2004, Archaeo Metallurgy in Sardinia (Cagliari).
Willies L 1997, 'Roman mining at Rio Tinto, Huelva, Spain' , Mining History 13(3), 1-3
How to Cite
Prehistoric Mining and Metallurgy in South West Iberian Peninsula by Mark Hunt Ortiz. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 39(1), 57-60.
Book Reviews

How to Cite

Prehistoric Mining and Metallurgy in South West Iberian Peninsula by Mark Hunt Ortiz. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 39(1), 57-60.