Prehistoric Mining and Metallurgy in South West Iberian Peninsula by Mark Hunt Ortiz
All reviews reflect the opinions of the reviewers. Any correspondence relating to the content of book reviews should be addressed direct to the reviewers.
Craddock PT, Freestone I C , Gale N R, Meeks N D , Rothenberg B and Tite MS 1985, 'The investigation of a small heap of silver smelting debris from Rio Tin to, Huelva, Spain', in PT Craddock and M J Hughes (eds), Furnaces and Smelting Technology in Antiquity (London: BM Occ Pap 48) , 199-217.
Craddock PT and Meeks N D 1987, 'Iron in ancient copper', Archaeometry 29(2), 187-204.
Delibes de Castro G and Montero Ruiz I (eds) 1999 , Las Primeras Etapas Metalurgicas en la Penisula lberica 2. Estudios Regionales (Madrid) .
Harrison R J and Craddock PT 1981 , ' A study of the Bronze Age metalwork from the Iberian Peninsula in the British Museum' , Ampurias 43, 113-79.
Hook D R, Arribas Palau A, Craddock PT, Molina A and Rothenberg B 1987, 'Copper and silver in Bronze Age Spain', in W H Waldron and RC Kennard (eds), Bell Beakers of the Western Mediterranean (Oxford) , 147-72.
Kass ianidou L 2003, 'Early Extraction of Silver from Complex Polymetallic Deposits ' , in PT Craddock and J Lang ( eds ), Mining and metal Production Through the Age s (London), 198-206.
Junghans S, Sangmeister E and Schri:ider M 1968 , Kupfer und Bronze in der friihen Metalzeit. Studien zu den Anfiingen der Metallurgie 2.3 (Berlin).
Montero Ruiz I 1994, El Origen de la Metallurgia en el Sureste Peninsular (Almeria).
Rothenberg B and Blanco-Freijeiro A 1980, ' Ancient copper mining and smelting at Chinflon (Huelva , SW Spain)', in PT Craddock ( ed), Scientific Studies in Early Mining and Extractive Metallurgy (London: BM Occ Pap 20), 41-62.
Rothenberg B and Blanco-Freijeiro A 1981, Ancient Mining and Metallurgy in South-West Spain (London).
Rovira Llorens S, Montero Ruiz I and Consuegra Rodrfguez S 1997, Las Primeras Etapas Metalurgicas en la Penisula lberica 1. Analisis de Materiales (Madrid).
Rovira Llorens Sand G6mez Ramos P 2003, Las Primeras Etapas Metalurgicas en la Peninsula lberica 3 . Estudios Metalogrdficos (Madrid).
Sanna U, Valera Rand Lo Schiavo F (eds) 2004, Archaeo Metallurgy in Sardinia (Cagliari).
Willies L 1997, 'Roman mining at Rio Tinto, Huelva, Spain' , Mining History 13(3), 1-3
Craddock PT and Meeks N D 1987, 'Iron in ancient copper', Archaeometry 29(2), 187-204.
Delibes de Castro G and Montero Ruiz I (eds) 1999 , Las Primeras Etapas Metalurgicas en la Penisula lberica 2. Estudios Regionales (Madrid) .
Harrison R J and Craddock PT 1981 , ' A study of the Bronze Age metalwork from the Iberian Peninsula in the British Museum' , Ampurias 43, 113-79.
Hook D R, Arribas Palau A, Craddock PT, Molina A and Rothenberg B 1987, 'Copper and silver in Bronze Age Spain', in W H Waldron and RC Kennard (eds), Bell Beakers of the Western Mediterranean (Oxford) , 147-72.
Kass ianidou L 2003, 'Early Extraction of Silver from Complex Polymetallic Deposits ' , in PT Craddock and J Lang ( eds ), Mining and metal Production Through the Age s (London), 198-206.
Junghans S, Sangmeister E and Schri:ider M 1968 , Kupfer und Bronze in der friihen Metalzeit. Studien zu den Anfiingen der Metallurgie 2.3 (Berlin).
Montero Ruiz I 1994, El Origen de la Metallurgia en el Sureste Peninsular (Almeria).
Rothenberg B and Blanco-Freijeiro A 1980, ' Ancient copper mining and smelting at Chinflon (Huelva , SW Spain)', in PT Craddock ( ed), Scientific Studies in Early Mining and Extractive Metallurgy (London: BM Occ Pap 20), 41-62.
Rothenberg B and Blanco-Freijeiro A 1981, Ancient Mining and Metallurgy in South-West Spain (London).
Rovira Llorens S, Montero Ruiz I and Consuegra Rodrfguez S 1997, Las Primeras Etapas Metalurgicas en la Penisula lberica 1. Analisis de Materiales (Madrid).
Rovira Llorens Sand G6mez Ramos P 2003, Las Primeras Etapas Metalurgicas en la Peninsula lberica 3 . Estudios Metalogrdficos (Madrid).
Sanna U, Valera Rand Lo Schiavo F (eds) 2004, Archaeo Metallurgy in Sardinia (Cagliari).
Willies L 1997, 'Roman mining at Rio Tinto, Huelva, Spain' , Mining History 13(3), 1-3
How to Cite
Prehistoric Mining and Metallurgy in South West Iberian Peninsula by Mark Hunt Ortiz. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 39(1), 57-60.
Book Reviews
How to Cite
Prehistoric Mining and Metallurgy in South West Iberian Peninsula by Mark Hunt Ortiz. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 39(1), 57-60.