Martha Goodway Michael A Constable


A loose abrasive until recently used in silversmithing in the Jewellery Quarter of Birmingham has been identified as 'Trent sand'. Analysis showed that the chief component was chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), an important ore mineral of copper. Problems of misinterpretation of the
activities represented by abrasives and the need to record all the materials of traditional industries are discussed.


W Canning and Co 1901, Handbook on Electroplating, Polishing, Lacquering, Burnishing, Enamelling (Birmingham), 82, 85.
W Canning and Co Ltd 1939, Equipment for Electro-Plating, Polishing, Bronring, Lacquering, Enamelling (Birmingham), 167.
W Canning and Co Ltd 1960, Handbook on Electroplating, Polishing Bronzing, Lacquering, 19th edition (Birmingham), 45-46.
C Eluere 1986, 'A prehistoric touchstone from France', Gold Bulletin 19(2), 58-61.
JCPDS, formerly the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Studies, 1986, Mineral Powder Diffraction File, Data card no 35-752 (chalcopyrite): 206; card no 33-1161 (quartz): 966; and card no 5-565 (synthetic silicon): 1077.
D T Moore and W A Oddy 1985, 'Touchstones: some aspects of the nomenclature, petrography and provenance', Journal of Archaeological Science 12, 59-80. Includes a catalogue of 42 old and modern touchstones.
A H Munsell 1915, Atlas of the Munsell Colour System. Munsell Colour Company Inc 1975, Munsell Soil Colour Charts (Baltimore).
Masaki Nakano 1967, 'Bronze mirrors of the Nara period: the Todai-ji Chuyo Yodo Bun'an (Drafts for documents concerning mirrors for the Todai-ji Temple) among the archives of the Shosoin', Museum (Tokyo) No 190 (January 1967) 2-14; No 192 (March 1967) 2-13.
F Oates and J H Harris 1948, 'War-time manufacture of abrasives in Tanganyika Territory', Bulletin of the Imperial Institute, 46, No 2-4, 326-341.
W A Oddy 1986, "The touchstone: the oldest colorimetric method of analysis', Endeavour new series 18( 4), 164-166.
D Thomas 1985, The Canning Story 1785-1985, (London), 39.
D G Tucker 1983, Ayrshire Hone-Stones: the Water of Ayr and Tam O'Shanter Hone Works at Stair and the History of the Industry in Britain, = Ayrshire
Collections 14(1).
Anne Yonemura 1991, translation from Japanese, personal communication.
How to Cite
’Trent sand’: chalcopyrite as an abrasive. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 29(1), 46-50.