J A Charles


The characteristics of minerals in terms of natural colour, density, texture, flame colour, smell on heating and streak colour are used to suggest a basis for the way in which minerals could have been selected for metal recovery and how, thus, alloy usage may have developed in prehistory.


Charles J A, 1967, 'Early arsenical bronzes - a metallurgical view', American Journal of Archaeology 71(1), 21-26.
Charles JA, 1969, "The autonomy of the east European copper age - a metallurgical examination of S E European copper axes', Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 35, 40-42.
Charles JA, 1984, 'The Middle Bronze Age iron punch of south-east Drenthe, Netherlands', Palaeohistoria 26, 95-99.
Slater E A, 1994, Private communication conceming excavations in Cyprus, to be published.
How to Cite
Determinative mineralogy in the early development of metals. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 28(2), 66-68. https://hmsjournal.org/index.php/home/article/view/459

How to Cite

Determinative mineralogy in the early development of metals. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 28(2), 66-68. https://hmsjournal.org/index.php/home/article/view/459