The metalwork from Flag Fen
115 analyses were made from metal objects from the Bronze and Iron Ages at Flag Fen. Firstly this was to identify the metals and alloys used and then, using the robust chronology now existing for Bronze Age compositions, to assign many of the objects to a period where this was not possible on typological grounds. The results are used to show how the use of metal on the site reflects the intensity of other activity there. Lead isotope analyses were also made on many of the objects sampled and the results support the picture of the metalwork built up on the basis of composition and typology. Special attention is paid to the tin and tin-lead alloy objects and their nearest parallels from Swiss Lake sites.
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Burgess C Band Gerloff S 1981, The dirks and rapiers of Great Britain and Ireland. (München: Prähistorische Bronzefunde IV(7)).
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Coombs D 1992, 'Flag Fen platform and Fengate Power station post alignment - the metalwork', Antiquity 66, 504-17.
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Gerloff S M 1989, 'The Class A cauldrons of the Atlantic Late Bronze Age", Journal of the Royal Society of Antquaries of lreland, 116, 84-115.
Gray H St G and Bulleid A 1953, The Meare Lake Village vol ii (Taunton).
Lynch F 1991, Prehistoric Anglesey 2nd ed (Llangefni).
Needham S P 1979, Two recent shield finds and their continental parallels, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 45, 111-34.
Northover J P 1980, 'The analysis of Welsh Bronze Age metalwork', in H N Savory, A guide catalogue to the Bronze Age collections (Cardiff).
Northover J P 1982, 'The metallurgy of the Wilburton hoards', Oxford Journal of Archaeology 1(1), 69-109.
Northover J P 1983, "The exploration of the long distance movement of bronze in Bronze Age and early Iron Age Europe', Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology, University of London 19 (1982/3), 45-72.
Northover J P 1991, 'Non-ferrous metalwork and metallurgy', in N Sharples, The excavations at Maiden Castle, 1985-6 (London), 159-165 and microfiche.
Northover J P forthcoming, 'The metalwork from Caldicot Castle', in N Nayling, Excavations at Caldicot Castle, Gwent, 1991-3.
Northover J P and Gale N H 1983, 'The use of lead isotopes in the study of Bronze Age metallurgy', in A Aspinall and S E Warren (eds), The Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Archaeometry, Bradford, 1982 (Bradford), 262-272.
Primas M 1984, 'Bronzezeitlicher Schmuck aus Zinn', Helvetia Archaeologica 15, 33-42.
Primas M 1985, 'Tin objects in Bronze Age Europe' , Studi di Paletnologia in onore di Salvatore M Puglisi (Roma), 554-562.
Rohl B M 1995, Application of lead isotope analysis to Bronze Age metalwork from England and Wales. Unpublished DPhil Thesis, Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Oxford.
Rychner V 1979, L'age du Bronze final a Auvernier: typologie et chronolgie des annciennes collections conservees en Suisse, 1-2 (= Cahiers d'Archeologie
Romande, 15-16).
Rychner V 1987, Auvernier 1968-75: le mobilier metallique du Bronze final. Formes et techniques (= Cahiers d'archeologie romande 37, Auvemier 6).
Rychner V 1990, 'Recherches sur les cuiveres et les alliages du l'äge du Bronze moyen et finalen Suisse', Prähistorische Zeitschrift, 65(2), 204-217.
Rychner V 1995, The composition of Bronze Age metalwork in Switzerland.
Rychner-Faraggi AM 1993, Hauterive-Champreveyres, Val. 9, meta/ et parure au Bronze Final,(= Archeologie Neuchateloise 17).
How to Cite
The metalwork from Flag Fen. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 28(2), 103-111.
How to Cite
The metalwork from Flag Fen. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 28(2), 103-111.