Manuel M Ruiz-Delgado MA Hunt-Ortiz


The increasing number of Late Bronze Age finds appearing in the southem part of the Iberian Peninsula, both isolated and in hoards, suggests the need for a new approach to the economic role of bronze metallurgy in this region. Since the discovery of the weil known hoard from the Huelva estuary in 1923, many new metallurgical finds have been reported. Most of them have been found without any clear archaeological context and frequently without a clear geographical location, since many of them are in private collections. The best documented find with a precise chronological context is the very interesting carp's tongue sword found in the stratigraphic section of the excavation at the Cerro de Ja Miel (Moraleda de Zafayona, prov. Granada), published recently. We can add another hoard discovered in the Guadalquivir river, which is the subject of this note.


J Carrasco; A Pachon; M Pastor and J Gamir: La espada del Cerro de Ja Mora y su contexto arqueologico. Nuevas aportaciones para el
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M L Ruiz-Galvez. La Peninsula Iberica y sus relaciones con el circulo cultural atlantico. 1984. Madrid.
M Almagro Basch: Deposito de bronces de la Ria de Huelva. In: Huelva: Prehistoria y Antiguedad. 1974. Madrid. 213-220.
A Caro y M L Lavado: Nueva espada de lengua de carpa de la costa de Huelva. Gades. Forthcoming.
L A Lopez Palomo. Pequeno deposito de bronces en el rio Genil. Cuadernos de Prehistoria de la Universidad de Granada. 1978, 3, 233-237.
M Almagro Basch. EI hallazgo de la Ria de Huelva y el final de la Edad del Bronce en el Occidente de Europa. Ampurias, 1940, II, 85-143.
R J Harrison, PT Craddock and M J Hughes. A study of the Bronze Age metalwork from the Iberian Peninsula in the British Museum. Ampurias, 1981, 43,13-179.
PT Craddock. The composition of Iberian Bronze Age metalwork in the British Museum. In: W A Oddy (ed), Aspects of early Metallurgy, British Museum Occasional Paper, 1980, 17, 51-63.
B Rothenberg and A Blanco. Ancient mining and metallurgy in South-West Spain, 1981. London, IAMS.
PT Craddock and MD Meeks, lron in Ancient Copper. Archeometry, 29, 2, 187-204.
How to Cite
A new Late Bronze Age weapon hoard from the Guadalquivir River in the Province of Seville, Spain. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 23(1), 31-34.

How to Cite

A new Late Bronze Age weapon hoard from the Guadalquivir River in the Province of Seville, Spain. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 23(1), 31-34.