Susan E Kruse Robert D Smith Katherine Starling


Experimental castings of silver ingots were undertaken in order to answer questions arising from examination of Viking Age examples. Features on extant ingots were attributed to the casting process where possible, and differences arising from using moulds of different fabrics assessed. Since silver was a valuable resource, and silver ingots were probably used in Viking Age economic transactions based on their weights, the possible loss of silver during casting and feasibility of casting to fine weight units were also investigated.


James Graham-Campbell, 'Viking silver hoards: an introduction', in R T Farrell ( ed.) The Vikings, 1982, London and Chichester, 32-41.
Heiko Steuer, 'Geldgeschäfte und Hoheitsrechte im Vergleich zwischen Ostseeländern und islamischer Welt,' Zeitschrift für Archäologie, 1978, 12, pp. 255-60.
R H M Dolley, The Hiberno-Norse coins in the British Museum, 1966, London.
Mark Blackburn and Hugh Pagan, 'A revised check-list of coin hoards from the British Isles, c. 500-1100,' in MA S Blackburn (ed.), Anglo-Saxon Monetary History, 1986, Leicester, pp. 291-313.
B J N Edwards, 'Viking silver ingots from Bowes Moor, Yorkshire,' Antiquaries Journal, 1985, 65, pp. 457-9.
H Munro Chadwick, Studies on Anglo-Saxon Institutions, 1905, Cambridge,
R F Tylecote, Metallurgy in Archaeology, 1962, London.
Else Roesdahl, Viking Age Denmark, 1982, London.
Brinch Madsen, 'Metal-casting, Techniques, production and workshops,' in Mogens Bencard (ed.), Ribe Excavations 1970-76, 1984, vol. 2, Esbjerg, pp. 91-5.
Justine Bayley, 'Non-ferrous metal and glass working in Anglo-Scandinavian England: an interim statement,' PACT 7, part 2, 1982 (Second Nordic Conference on the Applications of Scientific Methods in Archaeology, Helsingpr, Denmark, 17-19 August 1981), p. 493.
S P ÖRiordain, 'Lough Gur Excavations: Carraig Aille and the "spectacles" ,' Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 1949, 52C.
Lawrence Keen, 'Illa Mercimonia que dicitur Hamwih: a study in early medieval urban development,' Archaeologia Atlantica, 1975, 1.
David M Wilson, 'Craft and industry,' in David M Wilson (ed.) The Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England, 1976, London,
Justine Bayley, 'Some ingot-moulds from Coppergate, York,' Ancient Monuments Report no. 3465, 1981.
Justine Bayley, 'Ingot moulds from Flaxengate and Holmes Grain, Lincoln,' Ancient Monuments Lab Report no. 4163, 1984.
Janet A Axworthy Rutter, 'Glass, other metal, industrial and organic artefacts,' in D J P Mason, Excavations at Chester, 1985, Chester, p. 65.
E Hawkins, 'An account of colns and treasure found in Cuerdale,' Archaeological Journal. 1847, 4.
J R C Hamilton, Excavations at Jarlshof, Shetland, 1956, Edinburgh, pp. 206-10; Heid Gjöstein Resi, 'Die Specksteinfunde aus Haithabu,' Berichte
über die Ausgrabungen in Haithabu, 1979, 14.
Else Roesdahl et al. (eds.), The Vikings in England, 1981,
Brendän Rlordäln, 'Excavations at High Street and Winetavern Street, Dublin,' Medieval Archaeology 1971, 15,
Ralswiek: Joachim Herrmann 'Slawen und Wikinger in der Frühgeschichte der Ostseevölker,' in J Herrmann (ed.), Wikinger und Slawen, 1982,
Brita Malmer, 'Methodological problems in editing and evaluating the Swedish Viking-age coin hoards,' in M A S Blackburn and D M Metcalf (eds.), Viking-Age Coinage in the Northern Lands (BAR S/22), 1981, Oxford.
How to Cite
Experimental casting of silver ingots. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 22(2), 87-92.

How to Cite

Experimental casting of silver ingots. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 22(2), 87-92.