Bridging the Past and Present by Skill: Exploring Medieval Bell Casting by Experiment
This paper presents key results from experimental work on traditional bronze casting, focusing on early to high medieval bells, roughly between the 8th and 12th century AD. It demonstrates that combining craft, historical sources, and modern science can effectively revive lost technologies. The reconstruction is based on Theophilus Presbyter’s Schedula Diversarum Artium, dated to the early 12th century, whose precise instructions were critical, though several field-scale experiments were required to refine the process.
These experiments are part of broader research into medieval large-scale casting methods in central Europe. The paper argues that more than experimental archaeology or traditional craft is needed to understand and recreate lost technologies. Researchers must invest significant time mastering materials, tools, and techniques to grasp craft processes fully. Brief experimental engagements fail to capture the depth of these traditions. This approach bridges archaeology and hands-on practice, challenging conventions in both traditional craft and mainstream academia.
applied archaeometallurgy, bell foundry, high medieval, bronze casting, experimental archaeology, craft research, archaeology of skill
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