Barbara Armbruster Maria Filomena Guerra


The technical aspects of the annular gold neck ring and bracelet found in 1885 in a shallow pit in Lasgraïsses (Tarn, France), dated to the 3rd century BC, are discussed, based on the recent results obtained by morphological examination of the jewellery, optical microscopy, SEM, X‑radiography, and non-destructive elemental analysis by PIXE with an external micro-beam. Despite similarities in their appearance, and being manufactured with similar high purity gold alloys, these ornaments were produced by fundamentally different manufacturing techniques and in slightly different alloys. The arm ring consists of two sheet metal elements joined by hard soldering, a chased sheet on the outside and a smooth, flat, inner sheet. The neck ring consists of two pieces made up of six main components cast using the lost wax process, and several small sheet elements, all separately manufactured and then joined by hard soldering.


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How to Cite
Annular gold ornaments from western Gaul: Archaeometallurgical aspects of the Lasgraïsses ensemble, Tarn, France (3rd century BC). (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 46(2), 55-65.

How to Cite

Annular gold ornaments from western Gaul: Archaeometallurgical aspects of the Lasgraïsses ensemble, Tarn, France (3rd century BC). (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 46(2), 55-65.