From laboratory to field experiments: shared experience in brass cementation
The aim of the paper is to present the experimental approach followed by the authors in order to investigate ancient metallurgical processes. Multi-scale experiments based on model systems where complexity is gradually increased are both necessary and complementary. They are a way of optimizing the scanning of working conditions inferred for ancient metallurgical processes. The example of the on-going experimental investigation of the brass cementation process serves as an illustration.
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Bourgarit D and Bauchau F 2010, ‘The ancient brass cementation processes revisited by extensive experimental simulation’, Journal of Metals 62(3), 51–57.
Bourgarit D, Mille B, Burens A and Carozza L 2005, ‘Smelting of chalcopyrite during chalcolithic times: some have done it in ceramic pots as vase-furnaces’, in H Kars and E Burke (eds), Proceedings of the 33rd international symposium on archaeometry, 22-26 April 2002, Amsterdam (Amsterdam), 297–302.
Burger E, Bourgarit D, Frotté V and Pilon F 2010a, ‘Kinetics of iron-copper sulphides oxidation in relation to protohistoric copper smelting’, Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry, DOI
Burger E, Bourgarit D, Wattiaux A and Fialin M 2010b, ‘The reconstruction of the first copper smelting processes in Europe during the 4th to the 3rd millennium BC: Where does the oxygen come from?’, Applied Physics A 100(3), 713–724.
Craddock P T and Eckstein K 2003, ‘Production of brass in Antiquity by direct reduction’, in P Craddock and J Lang (eds), Mining and metal production through the ages (London), 216–230.
Crew P 1991, ‘The experimental production of prehistoric bar iron’, Historical Metallurgy 25(1), 21–36.
Day J 1998, ‘Brass and zinc in Europe from the Middle Ages until the mid-nineteenth century’, in P Craddock (ed), 2000 years of zinc and brass (London: British Museum Occasional Paper 50), 133–158.
Dodwell C R (tr) 1961, Theophilus, The various arts, De diversis artibus (Oxford).
Doridot A, Robbiola L and Tereygeol F 2006, ‘Production expérimentale de laiton par cémentation en creuset ouvert, avec du minerai de zinc, selon les recettes médiévales et modernes’,
Archéosciences 30, 15–24.
Dungworth D forthcoming, ‘Experimental archaeometallurgy: hypothesis testing, happy accidents and theatrical performances’, in D Dungworth and R Doonan (eds), Accidental and
experimental archaeometallurgy (London: HMS Occasional Publication).
Dungworth D and R Doonan (eds) forthcoming, Accidental and experimental archaeometallurgy (London: HMS Occasional Publication).
Maréchal J 1938, ‘La fabrication du laiton avant la découverte du procédé Dony d’extraction du zinc’, Bulletin scientifique de l’Association des Elèves des Ecoles Spéciales (AEES) 36(1), 1–13.
Martinón-Torres M and Rehren T 2002, ‘Agricola and Zwickau: theory and practice of Renaissance brass production in SE Germany’, Historical Metallurgy 36(2), 95–111.
Newbury B, Notis M and Newbury D 2005, ‘Revisiting the zinc composition limit of cementation brass’, Historical Metallurgy 39(2), 75–81.
Picon M, Le Nezet-Celestin M and Desbat A 1995, ‘Un type particulier de grands récipients en terre réfractaire utilisés pour la fabrication du laiton par cémentation’, in Actes du congrès annuel de la Société Française d’Etude de la Céramique Antique en Gaule (SFECAG), 1995, Rouen (Marseille), 207–216.
Rehren T 1999, ‘Small size, large scale Roman brass production in Germania Inferior’, Journal of Archaeological Science 26(8), 1083–1087.
Rehren T and Martinón-Torres M 2008, ‘Naturam ars imitata: European brassmaking between craft and science’, in M Martinón-Torres and T Rehren (eds), Archaeology, history and science. Integrated approaches to ancient materials (Walnut Creek), 167–188.
Rolandi G and Scaciatti G 1956, ‘Ottone e zinco presso gli antichi’, Industria Mineraria, 759–770.
Thomas N 2009, Les ateliers urbains de travail du cuivre et de ses alliages au bas Moyen Âge: Archéologie et histoire d’un site parisien du XIVe siècle dans la Villeneuve du Temple (1325-
1350), unpublished Phd thesis, University Paris 1.
Thomas N and Plumier J 2010, ‘Cuivre, laiton, dinanderie mosane: Ateliers et productions métallurgiques à Dinant et Bouvignes au Moyen Âge (XIIIe-XVIe siècles)’, Archéopages, Archéologie sans frontières hors-série, 142–151.
Thomas N, Verbeek M and Plumier J 2010, ‘Ateliers et productions métallurgiques à Dinant et Bouvignes au Moyen Âge (XIIIe-XVIe siècles): les laitons mosans sont-ils tous des laitons?’, Archaeologia Mediaevalis – Chronique 33, 127–133.
Ullwer H 2001, ‘Messingherstellung nach dem alten Galmeiverfahren’, Erzmetall 54(6), 319–326.
Ullwer H 2008, ‘Das alter Galmeiverfahren und die erreichbarren Zinkgehalte’, Erzmetall 61(5), 324–327.
Welter J-M 2003, ‘The zinc content of brass: a chronological indicator’, Techné 18, 27–36.
Welter J-M and Revet F 1997, ‘Procédé de recyclage de déchets de fonderies de laitons’, O. e. d. patent. FR 2 762 328.
Werner O 1970, ‘Über das Vorkommen von Zink und Messing im Altertum und im Mittelalter’, Erzmetall 23(6), 259–296.
How to Cite
From laboratory to field experiments: shared experience in brass cementation. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 45(1), 8-16.
How to Cite
From laboratory to field experiments: shared experience in brass cementation. (2021). Historical Metallurgy, 45(1), 8-16.