The radiocarbon dating of iron artefacts using accelerator mass spectrometry
Rather than dating associated materials when the age of an iron artefact is required, a date may be obtained from the carbon that the iron has incorporated from the smelting process. Large sample sizes have forestalled this method in the past; radiocarbon dating using accelerator mass spectrometry has reduced the sample size requirements to less than 5 mg carbon equivalent. Thus, only 10 g of wrought iron is needed, while for high carbon (2%) steel or cast iron, only 250 mg may be required. Two historical irons, dated at
the IsoTrace Laboratory, Toronto, illustrate the capabilities of this technique.
J Needham, The Development of Iron and Steel Technology in China, London, 1958.
H Löfquist and C Benedicks, Det stora Nordenskiöldska järnblocket frän Uivak-Mikrostruktur och bildungssätt, K. svenska VestenlkAkad. Handl., 1941, 19.
C B Moore, CF Lewis and D Nava, Superior analyses of iron meteorites, in Meteorite Research, New York, 1969.
G F Zimmer, The use of meteoric iron by primitive man, 1. Iron and Steel Inst., 1916, ii, 306-356.
J K Bjorkman, Meteors and meteorites in the ancient Near East, Meteoritics, 1973, 8, 91-130.
R W Van der Veen, Mineralogy and Ore Deposition, The Hague, 1925.
N J van der Merwe, The Carbon-14 Dating of Iron, Chicago, 1969.
N J van der Merwe and M Stuiver, Dating iron by the carbon-14 method, Curr. Anthropol., 1968, 9, 48-53.
E V Sayre, G Harbottle, R W Stoenner, W Washburn, J S Olin and W Fitzhugh, The carbon-14 dating of an iron bloom associated with the voyages of Sir Martin Frobisher, American Chemical Society Symposium Series, no. 176, Nuclear and Chemical Dating Techniques, L A Currie (ed), Washington, D.C., 1982, 441-451.
A E Litherland, Fundamentals of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A, 1987, 323, 5-21.
D J Donahue, A J T Juli and T H Zabel, Results of radioisotope measurements at the NSF-University of Arizona tandem accelerator mass spectrometer facility, Nucl. Instrum. Methods, 1984, B5, 162-166.
R G Cresswell, Radiocarbon Dating of Iron using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Thesis, University of Toronto, 1987.
D Gurfinkel, An assessment of laboratory contamination at the IsoTrace Radiocarbon Facility, Radiocarbon, 1987, 29, 335-346.
W E Kieser, R P Beukens, L R Kilius, H W Lee and A E Litherland, IsoTrace radiocarbon analysis - equipment and procedures, Nucl. Instrum. Methods, 1986, B15, 718- 721.
F Ultt-Meüer, Solidification history of the Kidlit Lens: Immiscible metal and sulphide liquids from a basaltic dyke on Disko, West Greenland, J. Petrol., 1985, 26, 64-91.
L Aitchison, A History of Metals, London, 1960.
TA Wertime, The Coming of the Age of Steel, Chicago, 1962.
S. L Goodale and J R Speer, Chronology of Iron and Steel, Pittsburgh, 1920.
R J Forbes, Studies in Ancient Technology: vol. 9, Leiden, 1964.
S Rinman, Rön om etsning pa järn och stal, K. Vetenskaps Akad. Hand!., 35, 1-14, English transl. by A Chisholm, printed in CS Smith, Sources for the History of the Science of Steel, Cambridge, Mass., 1968.
E F Heite, The Delmarva bog iron industry, Northeast Hist. Archaeol., 1974, 3 (2), 18-34.
R J Forbes, Studies in Ancient Technology: vol. 8, Leiden, 1964.
R F Tylecote, A History of Metallurgy, London, 1976.
H H Coghlan, Notes on Prehistoric and Early Iron in the Old World, Oxford, 1977.
N J van der Merwe and R T K Scully, The Phaloborwa story: archaeological and ethnographic investigation of a South African Iron Age group, World Archaeol., 1971, 3, 178-196.
R F Tylecote, The Prehistory of Metallurgy in the British Isles, London, 1986.
M Chikashige, Alchemy and other Chemical Achievements of the Orient, Tokyo, 1936.
J Wadsworth and O D Sherby, On the Bulat-Damascus steels revisited, Prog. Mat. Science, 1980, 25, 35-68.
H C Richardson, Iron prehistoric and ancient, Amer. J. Archaeol., 1934, 38, 555-583.
F Buchanan, A Journey from Madras through the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar, London, 1807.
H Unglik, Metallurgical study of a recently recovered iron bloom and associated finds from Kodlunarn Island, Frobisher Bay, Canada, manuscript on file, National Parks and Sites, Environment Canada - Parks, Ottawa, 1987.
G Harbottle, R G Cresswell, and R W Stoenner, Carbon-14 dating of iron blooms from Kodlunarn Island. In W W Fitzhugh and J Olin (eds) The
Archaeology of the Frobisher Voyages: a contribution to the archaeology of Kodlunarn Island, Frobisher Bay, Northwest Territories, Canada. Washington, in press.
H Löfquist and C Benedicks, Det stora Nordenskiöldska järnblocket frän Uivak-Mikrostruktur och bildungssätt, K. svenska VestenlkAkad. Handl., 1941, 19.
C B Moore, CF Lewis and D Nava, Superior analyses of iron meteorites, in Meteorite Research, New York, 1969.
G F Zimmer, The use of meteoric iron by primitive man, 1. Iron and Steel Inst., 1916, ii, 306-356.
J K Bjorkman, Meteors and meteorites in the ancient Near East, Meteoritics, 1973, 8, 91-130.
R W Van der Veen, Mineralogy and Ore Deposition, The Hague, 1925.
N J van der Merwe, The Carbon-14 Dating of Iron, Chicago, 1969.
N J van der Merwe and M Stuiver, Dating iron by the carbon-14 method, Curr. Anthropol., 1968, 9, 48-53.
E V Sayre, G Harbottle, R W Stoenner, W Washburn, J S Olin and W Fitzhugh, The carbon-14 dating of an iron bloom associated with the voyages of Sir Martin Frobisher, American Chemical Society Symposium Series, no. 176, Nuclear and Chemical Dating Techniques, L A Currie (ed), Washington, D.C., 1982, 441-451.
A E Litherland, Fundamentals of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A, 1987, 323, 5-21.
D J Donahue, A J T Juli and T H Zabel, Results of radioisotope measurements at the NSF-University of Arizona tandem accelerator mass spectrometer facility, Nucl. Instrum. Methods, 1984, B5, 162-166.
R G Cresswell, Radiocarbon Dating of Iron using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Thesis, University of Toronto, 1987.
D Gurfinkel, An assessment of laboratory contamination at the IsoTrace Radiocarbon Facility, Radiocarbon, 1987, 29, 335-346.
W E Kieser, R P Beukens, L R Kilius, H W Lee and A E Litherland, IsoTrace radiocarbon analysis - equipment and procedures, Nucl. Instrum. Methods, 1986, B15, 718- 721.
F Ultt-Meüer, Solidification history of the Kidlit Lens: Immiscible metal and sulphide liquids from a basaltic dyke on Disko, West Greenland, J. Petrol., 1985, 26, 64-91.
L Aitchison, A History of Metals, London, 1960.
TA Wertime, The Coming of the Age of Steel, Chicago, 1962.
S. L Goodale and J R Speer, Chronology of Iron and Steel, Pittsburgh, 1920.
R J Forbes, Studies in Ancient Technology: vol. 9, Leiden, 1964.
S Rinman, Rön om etsning pa järn och stal, K. Vetenskaps Akad. Hand!., 35, 1-14, English transl. by A Chisholm, printed in CS Smith, Sources for the History of the Science of Steel, Cambridge, Mass., 1968.
E F Heite, The Delmarva bog iron industry, Northeast Hist. Archaeol., 1974, 3 (2), 18-34.
R J Forbes, Studies in Ancient Technology: vol. 8, Leiden, 1964.
R F Tylecote, A History of Metallurgy, London, 1976.
H H Coghlan, Notes on Prehistoric and Early Iron in the Old World, Oxford, 1977.
N J van der Merwe and R T K Scully, The Phaloborwa story: archaeological and ethnographic investigation of a South African Iron Age group, World Archaeol., 1971, 3, 178-196.
R F Tylecote, The Prehistory of Metallurgy in the British Isles, London, 1986.
M Chikashige, Alchemy and other Chemical Achievements of the Orient, Tokyo, 1936.
J Wadsworth and O D Sherby, On the Bulat-Damascus steels revisited, Prog. Mat. Science, 1980, 25, 35-68.
H C Richardson, Iron prehistoric and ancient, Amer. J. Archaeol., 1934, 38, 555-583.
F Buchanan, A Journey from Madras through the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar, London, 1807.
H Unglik, Metallurgical study of a recently recovered iron bloom and associated finds from Kodlunarn Island, Frobisher Bay, Canada, manuscript on file, National Parks and Sites, Environment Canada - Parks, Ottawa, 1987.
G Harbottle, R G Cresswell, and R W Stoenner, Carbon-14 dating of iron blooms from Kodlunarn Island. In W W Fitzhugh and J Olin (eds) The
Archaeology of the Frobisher Voyages: a contribution to the archaeology of Kodlunarn Island, Frobisher Bay, Northwest Territories, Canada. Washington, in press.
How to Cite
The radiocarbon dating of iron artefacts using accelerator mass spectrometry. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 25(2), 78-85.
How to Cite
The radiocarbon dating of iron artefacts using accelerator mass spectrometry. (2022). Historical Metallurgy, 25(2), 78-85.